About Me

Hello, I’m Amy. I’m your typical rural mom, trying to keep my sanity and prevent my house from being taken over by my handful of little kids. This blog is *my* space. My time to hide away and pretend that I am actually working. Until I hear the next crash and scream, followed by “Mooo-ooom!” or “It wasn’t my fault!” anyway, right?!

I am a (sometimes recovering) Diet Coke addict. I spend way too much money at the Target Dollar Spot. I like to exercise but I like to eat sweets more. I treasure my time alone in the car to listen to song lyrics, especially old time country. I love to travel but since time and money are kind of scarce right now, I am just as happy at the shores of nearby Lake Superior. And I love lists…lots and lots of lists!

I don’t like surprises unless it’s a handwritten letter or package in the mail. I get sad when I finish a good book. I am petrified of spiders. I despise nylons. Other than that, it takes quite a bit to rattle me. I have 5 kids remember? I can handle just about anything.