Real-Life Mom Hack #1

Real-Life Mom Hack #1


At first you may look at this picture and think, “What a fun mom, she makes indoor picnic lunches for her two adorable girls. What a lovely life they must lead. She must never lose her temper.”

Hahahahahahahahaha!  I sure hope you don’t think that! It couldn’t be further than the truth! Well, I guess it is an indoor picnic lunch, and maybe they are having fun….buuuutttt, the *real* reason they are eating on the floor?

We have no chairs at our table at the moment.

“Where are they?” you ask. Ummmm, on my front porch.



Day #3 after Halloween has this mama tired out! Drama Junior has candy on her mind from the moment she wakes up until the moment she goes to sleep. I’ve tried hiding it on top of the fridge, in the fridge, in the cupboards, everywhere I can think of, but this girl is persistent! She slides the chair up to counter, hoists herself up, and helps herself to whatever suits her fancy. I tried putting the chairs up on the table but that almost ended in disaster as she tried to pull them down.

So I thought, how else can I prevent her from getting the candy without eating it all myself? Which actually was in the running as a valid answer for a while until I thought of how many miles I’d have to walk to burn it off much whining I’d have to listen to when the big kids got home from school. And the answer was obvious. Get rid of the chairs. Now, I know I probably should have picked a little more discreet hiding place than the front porch, but it was the easiest place to dump them quickly. Besides, half my neighbors probably think I’m a little nuts anyway so what’s the harm in confirming their suspicions?

How do you hide the Halloween candy from your kids? Or do you let them eat themselves sick?