My 2017 Resolution: Read 100 Books
Why am I talking about New Year’s resolutions in November? Well, every year I feel like I make the same resolutions without getting the results I want…I tend to dream BIG. And they are the typical resolutions that just about every other person is making. Lose weight, save money, pay off debt, travel, finish a house remodeling project, get more organized, etc.
But this year, I added in one that I have never tried before. I made myself a resolution that I was going to read 100 books in 2017. I LOVE to read, this shouldn’t be that difficult right?! Especially since I don’t have “The Bachelor” or “The Bachelorette” trying to steal my spare time now that they have turned into such trashy shows rather than romantic, drama-filled 2 hour escapes from reality that I used to look forward to.
So 100 books in a year, that shouldn’t be so hard. What’s the catch?! I separated those 100 books that I resolved to read into categories so that I didn’t fill my mind with 100 trashy romance novels or fluff reading. I wanted to learn something. I wanted to try to read books that I might not normally pick up. I wanted to stretch myself. So I broke it down like this: 25 fiction, 25 personal development, 13 classics, 12 biography/autobiography, and 25 free choice.
The first week I dove right in. I received “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo as one of my Christmas gifts and I read it within a week. I had also received a preview copy of “Still Missing” by Chevy Stevens and pulled a few too many late nights trying to solve the mystery. Add in a couple of light chic lit books that I used to fill in a few of my fiction slots and I had a pretty good start.
Then I lost momentum.
I ended up working outside the home more. The kids after school activities increased. Then summer came, and if you are a mom, you know that summer-time does not equal reading on the beach. If you are at the beach, you are either keeping the baby from putting stuff in her mouth or playing lifeguard/referee to the remaining bunch of yahoos. And if you are not at the beach, you are probably packing up to GO to the beach.
I had good intentions. I carried books in my purse big bag that I haul around with me that contains everything I *might* possibly need for that entire week. And not just one book. No….I carried 2 or 3, just in case I might finish one. Can’t you tell I’m an optimist?!
Despite all my good intentions and mediocre effort, I am at a grand total of 10 books on my list. Yes, 10 books for the entire year. I still need to look through the piles that I have hiding along side of my bed and see if I missed adding any to my list, but honestly, even if I am generous with my estimation, I’m not going to have more than 20 on the list. That leaves 80 left to read before the end of the year. 80 books in about 60 days. Ummm…..I am an optimist, but that even seems like a stretch. Especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas activities spread out during that time as well.
I’m definitely going to try though. I don’t believe I have ever achieved any of my resolutions my entire life and I really want to prove to myself that I have the willpower to do something if I put my mind to it. So breaking down that goal even further, 80 books in about 60 days equals about 9 books per week…a little more than a book a day. Oh boy, now that sounds even more intimidating than 80 books in 60 days!
The one thing I am not one bit worried about is running out of books. I have them stashed EVERYWHERE. On my nightstand, in my nightstand, under my bed, in the bookshelf (obviously), and even on this cool shelving system we have on the stairs going into the basement. I always have my eyes peeled for a good book when I am out at rummage sales or thrift stores. That way I can buy an armload and then donate them when I am done without feeling like I am out too much money.
Libraries are also a great source of books, especially if you don’t want to spend ANY money. But let’s be honest about 2 things here:
- At the rate I was going, I probably wouldn’t be able to finish the stack of books that I checked out before they were due again.
- I have 5 kids. They are not quiet kids. My timing for going to the library has to be impeccable. Nobody can be tired. Nobody can be hungry. Nobody can have to go to the bathroom.
Although, we did go to the library 3 times this summer. I did not end up checking out any books myself because I used my card to take out books for the 2 littlest who are not old enough for their own. And because the children’s book section is away from the adult’s and I’m not a mom who can trust to leave her kids unsupervised in public.
But now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I should change my 25 free choice books to 25 little kid books…that would be filled up in a hurry!
What are some of your favorite books that I should add to my list?