Month: November 2017

Real-Life Mom Hack #1

Real-Life Mom Hack #1

  At first you may look at this picture and think, “What a fun mom, she makes indoor picnic lunches for her two adorable girls. What a lovely life they must lead. She must never lose her temper.” Hahahahahahahahaha!  I sure hope you don’t think…

My 2017 Resolution: Read 100 Books

My 2017 Resolution: Read 100 Books

Why am I talking about New Year’s resolutions in November? Well, every year I feel like I make the same resolutions without getting the results I want…I tend to dream BIG. And they are the typical resolutions that just about every other person is making. Lose…

What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

“Love, Always Amy….Wait, what? I know you mentioned in a previous post that there were going to be grammar errors in your blog, but c’mon Amy, don’t you know that the comma is supposed to go AFTER the Always?” True, I guess, but for as…